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November 09, 2017
At present we are living in the age of technology, industrialization, and urbanization. The world is becoming very competitive. The Indian society has become very complex and fast moving. All these cause stress and strain resulting in many diseases like high blood pressure, insomnia, diabetes and heart attack. The remedy to deal with the stress and strain does not lie in taking drugs or alcohol. These are not solutions but may affect adversely. All this happens mainly because we are not in control of our faculties. We let the circumstances and outside world control ourselves. The solution of the problems lies in developing the ability of control to and regulate the mind or one-self. In this lesson we will discuss some techniques which will help us in attaining a peaceful mind and a healthy life

After studying this lesson, you will be able to: • state the importance of control and discipline of the mind; • explain some techniques and methods of mind control; and • learn about the benefits of various method of mind-control.

For healthy development of the individual and society self-control and discipline are very important. Without it the negative feelings like possessiveness, arrogance, aggressiveness, anger, hatred and intolerance etc. take precedence.

MODULE - VII Yoga : A Way of Life

Controlling and Disciplining the Mind
The key question is: How to achieve control of ourselves? The answer lies in leading a disciplined life. We have to regulate our dietary habits and other aspects of life style. The Indian system of Yoga was developed for this purpose. Yoga as a way of life is necessary for healthy development of an individual. It is a profound physical, emotional and cognitive experience. There should be a balance between body, mind, intellect and emotions. Modern education lays more emphasis on the body and intellect. Its neglect of emotional aspects seem to result in lack of discipline, restraint, tolerance and character.
The control of mind is not a problem for religious or spiritual aspirants only but people in all walks of life need to control mind if they are to succeed in their vocation. No progress in the lives of the individual or the community can ever be done without proper mind-control and regulation. A peaceful and tranquil mind can achieve anything in life. Every human being wants to lead a happy and healthy life and it is possible only with a life without problems.
Interestingly the mind is controlled by the mind itself. The difficulties which we experience in controlling the mind are created by our own mind. Mind cannot be controlled by artificial external means or interventions for any length of time. It needs patient, intelligent, systematic hard work following certain practices of meditation. The mind has to be gradually and systematically brought under control. Let us discuss some of these practices in detail.
Now we will try to discuss some tested disciplines, methods and technique of controlling and disciplining the mind.


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