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The counselling process

November 19, 2010

The counselling process will depend on the individual counsellor, the individual client and the specific issue. However, there is a general counselling process that the counsellors will follow:
  1. Background information collection 
  2. Identification of core issues
  3. Case formulation
  4. Goal setting for the therapeutic process
  5. Implementation of intervention
  6. Evaluation of intervention
  7. Closure
Prior to the initial interview, reception staff will ask you to complete a personal data sheet. During your initial interview, the counsellor will discuss your concerns with you, and explore with you alternative services if indicated. By the end of the initial interview you and your counsellor may decide on one of the following options:
  • No further counselling is required at this time, if during the initial interview you have been able to clarify your concerns and plan an appropriate course of action. 
  •  Further appointments are needed to continue to explore the issues before reaching a decision. A second appointment will be made with you either by the counsellor or by reception.
  • Alternative services are appropriate and the counsellor will assist you to identify specific resources to consider and pursue.
Differing counselling approaches
Counsellors work from differing theoretical approaches. Different counsellors will place varying levels of emphasis on behavior, on thinking and/or on emotional aspects. All counsellors have the central goal to assist you in increasing your sense of well-being.
Length of counselling
Change doesn't happen quickly for most of us. The length of treatment depends on a number of variables. Variables include: the severity of the problem, the motivation of the client, the type of problem and the age of the client. The more focused and limited the problem being addressed, the shorter treatment can be. The more the treatment addresses healing emotional injuries, the longer it is likely to take.
If you feel dissatisfied with any aspect of the Counselling Services, you are encouraged to discuss your concerns with the Senior Counsellor. 


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